Beyond the Broken Labyrinth is an interactive projection experience, where participants can engage with hydro-social sites through collaborating with wai. A maze is presented as an interface and water helps to chaotically determine the order of the explored sites.

Four teapots are presented in the space. calling for multiple participants. The teapot, symbolic of an old ritual where wai is shared, is used to initiate the beginning of the shared experience.

Hands are then used to engage with the labyrinth, tilting the maze to try and work wai, that naturally will flow where it wishes to.

At the end of the experience, a handout is gifted to participants who wish to have a copy of the all 38 sites and their poetic narrations. This is also a resource to those who wish to explore these sites in their own time. Each poem has a small yet significant statistic or key piece of information that backs the metaphors and visuals used.